Pentathalon Semester 1
As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my first semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers.
Artists Network Visual Art Project
For my second arts scholars Pentathlon event I did a Visual Art project from the website Artists Network on October 4th. The project I completed was Make a Copy of a Famous Painting on the Small Scale. The work I chose to recreate was “Silhoutted Pair of Deer at Itsukushima” by Ohara Koson. I used pencil on paper for my work.

Movie: Joker
I watched the movie Joker on HBO Max on Saturday September 19th. I really enjoyed this movie, it created a very gritty and realistic setting in which the Joker’s origin story takes place. This movie does a great job in making the viewer take pity on a classicly evil and despicable character. As the viewer you understand the circumstances that push this man over the edge without forcing you to side with him and justify his actions. The overall cinematography and writing I felt was very well done.

Movie: The Outpost
I watched the movie The Outpost on Netflix on 10/25. I thought that this movie was very well shot and directed with the action keeping you on the edge of your seat without becoming ridiculous as this is a true story. This movie appealed to me as I am in Army ROTC and have an appreciation for film.

TED Talk Presentation: Who decides what art means?
I watched the TED talk "Who decides what art means?". I thought this talk was very interesting as someone who creates art myself, I always wonder how others interpret my work. Having also taken some art history courses and the Modern Art history workshop last year, art is often appreciated in different ways as it passes through different time periods. This talk gave an interesting perspective on the process of appreciating art.

Music: Pomodoro Co-Study Session
On December 12th I attended a College Park Scholars Pomodoro Co-Study Session. During this event I spent an hour studying with other Scholars via Zoom using the Pomodoro method where you spend twenty five minutes studying/working then take a five minute break in between working. I feel as though this introduced me to a useful new way to study that I will be able to use going forward, especially when studying for exams over the next week.

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Pentathalon Semester 2
Follow along this semester as I document my arts experiences this semester.
Film: Uncut Gems
On 2/6 I watched the movie Uncut Gems on Netflix. I thought this movie was very well directed shot and acted with Adam Sandler putting in a great performance. I was very impressed with the cinematography and pacing of the film with an ever building tension that breaks in the last five minutes of the film. I am a big fan of movies and have a great interest in the craft and creativity that is required to make a great film.

Artists Network Visual Art Project
For this Pentathlon Event I did a visual art project from the project ideas page on 2/28/21. I did the project of Making a Copy of a Famous Painting on the Small Scale. The piece I chose was "Vissende kraanvogel in ondiep water" by Ohara Koson. I have a great interest in Japanese art so this was a very interesting look at the way artists of the time would have drawn animals and wildlife.

Film: Inception
On 3/21/21 I watched the movie Inception on Netflix. I thought this movie was well directed and shot beautifully. I am a fan of Christopher Nolan's work and find him to bring lots of ingenuity to his work. This movie inspired me as I am very interested in the process of film making and this movie has a lot of intriguing techniques on display.

TED Talk: Are Games Art?
On 4/11/21 I watched the TED Talk "Are Games Art?". This was a very interesting talk as the speaker Brenda Romero goes into all of the aspects of Video Games that make them a true form of art and not just mindless entertainment. I find this to be a very interesting topic as I very much agree with this sentiment as I am currently working on a game that I would consider an art piece.

Literature: 13 Hours
Over the past couple of weeks I have read and listened to the book 13 Hours written by Mitchell Zuckoff with advisement from the Annex Security Team. This novel recounts the harrowing events of the 2012 attack on a US embassy in Benghazi. The narrator did a great job of portraying the various members of the security team alongside what went on in their heads as they faced a very difficult high stakes combat situation. As someone who is training to become an officer in the military this was a great read/listen to better understand some of the difficult situations I might find myself in.

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